nourish • move • connect


Time and time again life has taught me: ‘it’s all connected.’ As diversified and nuanced life is, this platform allows all my interests, skillsets, and dreams to unite in multiple ways.


• offerings •

hand-drawn armchair icon

Private Classes

hand-drawn empty pill bottle icon

Group Yoga Classes

hand-drawn aim target icon

Workshops & Retreats

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Korsi Sessions


Upcoming events.


I am eternally grateful and give reverence to all my teachers, my teachers’ teachers, my teachers’ teachers’ teachers, into infinity, that I’ve had along this path.
Thank you Roger and Albina Rippy, Margaret Deneen Hanks, Heidi Lehto, Davina Davidson, Tamika Caston-Miller, Jennifer Brown, Leslie Kaminoff, Rich Roll, among many other incredible yoga teachers, non-yoga teachers, and more importantly,
as Rich Roll says, “the prophets [who] walk among us.”
Without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at now nor would I have had the confidence to embark on this endeavor.

guru brahma guru vishnu guru devo maheshvarah
guru eva param brahma tasmai shri guruve namaha
I pay tribute to the Creator-Sustainer-Destroyer as teacher, to That in which these have their being.

Follow our journey.